At New Hope you will make friends with people who care about you. Join us for one of our many fellowship opportunities.
- Intergenerational programs on special days, such as Epiphany or Pentecost
- Homecoming (4th Sunday of August) is a great day together. We bless backpacks for the children beginning the school year, and have a giant potluck lunch after worship.
- Summer Social with hot dogs, ice cream, and outdoor games
- Christmas Storytelling Breakfast with older adults sharing their Christmas memories
- Easter breakfast and intergenerational Sunday School program
New Hope is a place where you can get involved. Our Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets each week for spiritual devotion and fellowship. Our members cook for local people who are hungry. We make cabinets and tables for the church in our workshops at home. Volunteers create our newsletter and maintain our website. We do our own yard work on the church grounds.
Our members care for one another during times of need. Our “Prayer Line” group prays at home. We visit the sick and those who are unable to leave home. We reach out to older adults to connect them to resources in the community.
Our youth often gather together after worship for lunch and fellowship, church and community projects, learning activities, and simply for the fun of being together. New Hope has sponsored Boy Scout Troop 449 since 1950, working with young men in developing leadership, teamwork, and new skills. Recently we began a Cub Scout Pack as well.