Your first visit

Grace and peace to you in Christ’s name! We are so glad you are thinking of visiting our church. You may have some questions before you visit. We hope this page will help you, and we look forward to meeting you in person.

You are welcome to join us in person or join us via YouTube.  

Where do I park?

Our main parking lot is right in front of the church. We have a secondary lot at the bottom of the hill, to your left as you face the church. Handicap parking is available in both lots.

What time should I arrive?

We suggest arriving at 10:45 am. After you have parked, enter the front door with the cross design. Greeters and ushers will be there to help you get a bulletin, find a seat, and enjoy a moment of quiet meditation during our opening music.

What do you have for children?
Child care for ages birth-kindergarten is available during the worship service in the Education Wing. Many parents choose to have their children stay in the worship service with them for the first ten or fifteen minutes, until the Time with Young Worshipers. The Time with Young Worshipers is a special reading or thought for the day designed especially for young worshipers. After this, a parent or the educator will accompany younger children to the nursery for a time of play, a light snack and stories. Children are always welcome to stay in worship! At all times, children’s Bibles, picture books, and activity bags are available at the back of the sanctuary.

What should I wear?
Worshipers at New Hope dress in anything from a suit to jeans. Children often dress comfortably so they can enjoy the playground.

What is your worship service like?
Our worship is a blend of music, Scripture, prayer, and sharing with one another. Our pastor delivers a sermon, which reflects on the Bible readings for the day. All worshipers are invited to share their prayer concerns and celebrations. Music ranges from traditional organ music to jazz to selections from all over the world.

What if I am unsure about my own beliefs?
The Presbyterian tradition values the individual conscience. At the same time, we value stating our beliefs and prayers as a community of worship and fellowship. You are not required to say any particular words during the service.

May I receive communion?
When the Lord’s Supper (communion) is served, all who trust in Christ are invited to come to the table.  We welcome those with dietary concerns to the Lord’s Supper.  Please read here about the bread we use for communion.

How can I get more information?
On your first visit, ask an usher or greeter for a visitor bag. This bag contains recent newsletters, a devotional booklet, and other church information. You are invited to fill out the Friendship Register in the pew, and we will follow up with you using whatever contact information you provide. Or, email for more information.

We welcome you in Christ’s name.