Christian Education at New Hope
Christian education at New Hope Presbyterian Church provides opportunities for growth and development by nurturing education of all ages through:
- Teaching about the life of Christ and God’s love for us
- Nurturing a desire to become more knowledgeable about the Bible
- Fostering a supportive community where all ages are valued, recognized, celebrated, and mentored
- Encouraging all to live a life of service in ministry
- Fulfilling Christ’s command to witness to others
Sunday School meets from September through May. Topical Summer Sunday School classes are held in June, and have included studies of popular movies, and teaching children about the sacraments.
We aspire to become God’s messengers, striving to make our world a place of peace and love.
Additional Christian Education opportunities include:
- Wednesday night dinner and devotion series during Lent
- Presentations on topical issues, such as those being debated in the larger church
- A crafts workshop in the fall
- Christmas Storytelling Breakfast with older adults sharing their Christmas memories