Contributions to our ministries at New Hope Presbyterian Church support faith formation, mission, and care for the community. We encourage you to support our ministries with your time, talent, and monetary donations.
Online giving options include donating from checking accounts, debit cards, and/or credit (please use credit responsibly). Donations for our general fund and discretionary fund are accepted online.
You can give on a one-time basis or on a recurring schedule.
How to Donate
By Check: In memo line write: “Pledge” “Building Fund,” “Music Endowment,” or “Dodson Education Endowment.”
Mail to the church or place in the offering plate.
On Line : Select “Give Now” below. Place dollar amount in appropriate box. Select donation frequency. Fill in contact and bank or credit card information. Select “Process.” Receive an email from ereceipt.
Thank you for your support of our congregation and its ministries!
For further information, please contact our church office at 919-942-4710 or
Church members are encouraged to complete our Estimate of giving form and return it to the church office.
We are happy to assist you with other giving options, such as gifts of stock or donor advised funds.