The women of the church, to fulfill their mission of giving and sharing in a Christian community, arrange a number of programs and activities each year.
Women’s Retreat
The women of New Hope annually travel to Montreat Conference Center for a weekend of bible study, spiritual renewal, relaxation, and fellowship with other women. Montreat Conference Center is located in the beautiful mountains near Asheville, NC. It is a conference center serving the Presbyterian Church (USA). The word “Montreat” is a contraction of the words “Mountain Retreat.”
Presbyterian Women’s Circle
The Women’s Circle meets one evening a month from September through May each year for bible study and fellowship. We read lessons provide by The Presbyterian Women USA Horizons Bible Study, which focus on different scripture from the bible in each annual issue.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our women meet one evening each month to share prayers and fellowship as they knit and crochet shawls that are later blessed and presented to chronically ill and elderly members of our congregation. Their labor of love provides much comfort.
Fellowship Dinners
New Hope women organize two fellowship dinners each year to give both new and long-time members opportunities to get to know each other better.