Music at New Hope Presbyterian Church is an integral part of our worshipping community. We value music in its many forms and representations, and we strive to deliver high-quality music performances for worship and other special events. We work to include music from various cultures and time periods in our worship services. If you have talents you would like to explore, consider joining us in one of the many musical opportunities available.
Chancel Choir The Chancel Choir sings for weekly Sunday services and leads the congregation in worship. This group prepares choral anthems for Sunday worship. The chancel choir sings varying levels of choral literature and special services throughout the year highlight talented group. The Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols is a yearly service which highlights music from the Chancel Choir. Many people come to this service each year and enjoy the anthems and songs lead by the choir. Easter is another season in which the Chancel Choir sings special anthems and music for worship.
The Chancel Choir welcomes new members. Participants can be high school age and older. Rehearsals are Tuesdays from 7:30 until 9:00 p.m., August until May. The Summer Choir meets in June-July and is open to anyone who would like to sing. There are no Tuesday choir rehearsals in the summer, simply meet at 10:15 a.m. to learn a simple anthem, and sing for the 11:00 a.m. worship service.
Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir plays for Sunday worship services and at special occasions throughout the church year. We have three octaves of Malmark Handbells and three octaves of Malmark Handchimes. The Handbell choir plays mostly level two and three handbell literature. New members are welcome, and no prior handbell experience is needed to join. Participants can be middle school age and older. Rehearsals are Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. from August until May.
Youth Choir Our Youth Choir, comprised of middle and high school youth, sings on special occasions throughout the church year. This group regularly sings for the Children’s Christmas Pageant and for Youth Sunday each Spring. Rehearsals are periodically scheduled before performances. All are welcome to sing!
Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir includes children age three thru elementary school. The children regularly sing for worship one Sunday each fall, for the Children’s Christmas Pageant, and during Palm Sunday. This group rehearses during the Sunday School hour periodically before performances. All children are welcome to join!
Saxophone Quartet
We are fortunate to have many talented individuals in our congregation. One such group of people is our saxophone quartet (including soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone saxophones). This group regularly plays for our Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols Service and during our Easter worship services.
Recorder Ensemble
The Recorder Ensemble plays periodically throughout the church year. Much of their literature is from the Renaissance period, in which recorder consorts were quite popular in both sacred and secular settings.
Music at New Hope Concert Series
Each year we host one or two concerts as part of our Music at New Hope Concert Series. We welcome various instrumentalists, organists, and feature our Chancel Choir in large choral works. Selections from the past include: Requiem – Gabriel Fauré, Mass in G Major D167 – Schubert, Requiem – John Rutter, Requiem in C Minor – Luigi Cherubini, Jazz Mass – Chilcott, and Gloria – Antonio Vivaldi.
Music Fund
New Hope Presbyterian Church has established a Music Fund to support the music program and provide opportunities for growth. Through our annual Mardi Gras fundraiser and other events, we raise money to support performing musicians, attend workshops, concerts, seminars, and similar functions that further the ministries of music and worship at NHPC. We also use the Music Fund to purchase new instruments and other items for the music program. The Fund is administered by the Director of Music in consultation with the Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, Worship Committee, and Pastor.

Special Presentation on November 3, 2019 – Chancel Choir Special Music –
“Haydn Mass in B Flat Hob. XXII:7 – Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus Agnus Dei”